Eclipse - Tips & Tricks
Tip #1 - Discovering Shortcut Keys
- Press Ctrl + Shift + L to open a widget that shows all the shortcut keys.
Tip #2 - Content Assist
- In the Java editor press Ctrl + Space to see a list of suggested completions. Typing one or more characters before pressing Ctrl + Space will shorten the list.
Tip #3 - Parameter Hint
- When the cursor is in a method argument, press Ctrl + Shift + Space to see a list of parameter hints.
Tip #4 - Camel Case Support in Code Completion
- Code completion supports camel case patterns. Entering NPE and pressing Ctrl + Space will propose NullPointerException and NoPermissionException
Tip #5 - Creating Getters and Setters
- Click on Source > Generate Getter and Setter to open the wizard that allows you to generate getter and setter methods.
Tip #6 - Generating hashCode() and equals() methods
- Click on Source > Generate hashCode() and equals() to generate this methods for a Java class
Tip #7 - Adding code around a block of code
- Select a block of code and press Alt+Shift+Z to see a menu of items like if statement, for loop, try/catch etc that can enclose the selected block of code.
Tip #8 - Locating a matching bracket
- Select an opening or closing bracket and press Ctrl+Shift+P to find its matching bracket.
Tip #9 - Smart Javadoc
- Type '/**' and press Enter to automatically addes a Javadoc comment stub.
Tip #10 - Organizaing Imports
- Press Ctrl+Shift+O to organize all the imports.
Tip #11 - Activating the Menu bar
- Press F10 to activate the Menu bar
Tip #12 - Making a view/editor active
- Press Ctrl+F7 to see a list of open views and editor area and switch to one of them.
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